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For many years, I have been aware that the significant things in my life have been drawn to me as I have needed them. As a young mother in England, I was guided to take up Yoga; not something I had ever considered at that time, but suddenly it was presented to me as an option that I could not ignore. The universe was speaking to me! I fell in love with Yoga and am eternally grateful for the gifts it has brought me.

My earliest experience of relaxation was as a student of Yoga when I first took up the practice. I was fortunate enough to have a teacher who offered a short relaxation period at the close of each class. Since then I have grown to increasingly appreciate that this ability to completely relax is something that should be experienced by everyone - not just a privileged few.

I also realised that the short relaxation I enjoyed at each Yoga class was merely a taster of what true, deep relaxation could potentially be. Through the power of relaxation we can relieve stress, improve our physical and mental health, enjoy personal development, and follow a smoother path through life; and at the same time we reacquaint ourselves with peace, joy, contentment, excitement, and positive expectations.

From my beginnings as a Yoga student, I moved into training to become a Yoga teacher/instructor. I further progressed so that I was qualified under the British Wheel of Yoga to train others to become Yoga instructors. I guess I had a primal urge to spread the word as much as I could!

Along the way, other pursuits were ‘attracted’ to me, mostly in the field of alternative health. I acquired qualifications in Therapeutic Massage, Reflexology, and Specialised Kinesiology.

I also worked with the National Health Service in the UK as part of a team offering stress management services to nurses and staff of a city hospital.

For some time, I have had the desire to produce a website whose primary objective would be to share some of the experience and knowledge I have gained over the years. As I allowed this idea to rest in my mind, I realised that the most valuable, yet unrecognised, skill I was inspired to share is the skill of learning to relax.

So, here it is – Relaxation Inspired – a way of sharing my experience and passion with you and providing the necessary resources for you to step lightly forward into a more centred, relaxed, creative, and ’wonder’ful life.

My wish is that you find the health, harmony, contentment, and joy that you seek.

Love and Light


About Christine

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