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Benefits and Effects of Complete Relaxation


Deep relaxation is a totally holistic experience and one to be treasured. We can gain enormous benefits for our whole Being through the practice of relaxation; physical health improves, the mind becomes clear and creative, the emotions are balanced and harmonious, and the spirit is within easier reach.

Learning to relax also liberates the healing energy of the Life Force, giving it the opportunity to flow freely through us as we let go of the resistance and tightness that block its path. Since the Life Force flows through body, mind, and spirit, the wellbeing of our whole existence is enhanced by its unimpeded stream.

Fear and worry have the effect of closing up the channels of the body,
so that the life forces flow in a slow and sluggish manner.
Hope and tranquility open the channels of the body,
so that the life forces go bounding through it in such a way
that disease can rarely get a foothold.

Ralph Waldo Trine
In Tune with the Infinite

The effects of relaxation have a beneficial impact on many areas of our health.

Possibilities include:

  • Release of muscle tension

  • Lowered blood pressure

  • Protection against heart disease

  • Improved digestion

  • Fewer headaches

  • Relief of chronic pain

  • Decrease of panic attacks

  • Diminished need for stimulants eg caffeine, tobacco, alcohol

  • Greater vitality

  • Better sleep

  • Stronger immune system

  • Less depression and reduced risk of its recurrence

  • Freedom from unfounded fear and anxiety

  • Clearer thinking

  • Increased creativity and intuitive thought

  • Improved performance

  • More confidence

  • Effortless concentration

  • Peace of mind

And there's more .....

Relaxation, by its very nature, involves effortless alertness which means that we are totally aware of the experience as it occurs. This total awareness of the relaxation process enables us to learn from the practice.

We learn to differentiate tightness from softness in the body and know exactly what a relaxed muscle feels like.

We learn just how it feels to be free of concerns and anxieties about our self or our life.

We learn that negative and destructive emotions, such as guilt, anger, envy etc., cannot come with us into the relaxed state; we can therefore experience moments of time when we are free of any harmful and draining emotions.

We learn how to LET GO; to let go of all things mental and physical that are inhibiting our personal development, health, happiness, and peace of mind.

We learn how to get in touch with our Inner Being, the source of our creativity, insight, intuition, and inspiration.

What you are aware of
You are in control of;
What you are not aware of
Is in control of you

Anthony de Mello

The impact of relaxation on daily life

Because relaxation releases the Life Force and rejuvenates the whole system, relaxation actually fills us with boundless energy and increases our efficiency, creativity, vitality, poise, and vigour.

We soon find that the skills we have learned through our practices infiltrate our normal routines and activities in life. We begin to notice when we are holding physical tension as we go about performing our daily tasks and discover that we are able to ‘let it go’. We realise that we are less inclined to feel stressed or that we can diminish it more quickly, and we naturally develop a more positive and lighter outlook.

And, for those times of genuine stress, we are armed with the equilibrium and inner resources to deal with them.

Relaxed Living takes this aspect further for you.

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